Welcome to our
new trainees

Hello to our newest recruits

Thank you for finding your place in our fabulous region. Whether you’re at the start of your career as a foundation doctor, or moving through the ranks in your specialty years, we hope you’ll be very happy training in our world-class NHS services and enjoying your downtime in our stunning surroundings.

Watch our short film from the Lead Employer Trust (LET) which will introduce you to the services they offer during your time as a trainee. There’s also a handy top tips booklet from our trainee executive forum here.

Manage your career with the Found Your Place app, a one stop careers information hub for foundation doctors in the Northern Foundation School and suitable for all trainees in the North East and North Cumbria region.

Our top Found Your Place app features include:

-An extensive information hub including career and learning opportunities

-A calendar including all key recruitment dates and regional career events

-A section on mental health support

-Links to HR policies and procedures

Watch the LET’s introduction film

Visit the LET’s website

Here's a taster of what you've signed up to

Hear from other trainees and colleagues

You will be given one of our special find your place lanyards so people can identify you and say hello! DM us on social media if you didn’t get one!

Discover our regions Hidden Gems!

The North East and North Cumbria region of England is rich with hidden gems. Newcastle upon Tyne offers a mix of cafes and bars, while Durham showcases its historic cathedral. The region’s coastline features quiet beaches like Bamburgh and Tynemouth. Nature lovers can explore Northumberland National Park and the Lake District. History enthusiasts will enjoy Hadrian’s Wall and Lindisfarne Priory. The arts thrive in towns like Alnwick and Hexham, with charming galleries and shops. This region provides a unique blend of adventure, relaxation, and cultural experiences.

Discover our top 50 hidden gems!

And finally! Find out about the research opportunities available in our region