Trainee research collaboratives

In the North East and North Cumbria, we have a number of specialities in medicine, surgery, dentistry and mental health which have trainee-led research collaboratives.

Collaborative research is accessible to all trainees throughout their training and caters to all levels of interest. It offers the opportunity to be involved in high impact clinical research that is often not possible as an individual researcher. Our trainee research collaboratives have successfully developed and ran their own clinical studies, national audits and research training. Our trainees also hosted the National Collaboratives Research Meeting 2019 at the Sage in Gateshead.

Please see our interactive specialities collaborative body map for information on our local and national trainee collaboratives

Helen is a member of the Collaborative Orthopaedic NETwork (CORNET). Listen to Helen explain the benefits of being part of a trainee research collaborative here:

Keir is a haematology trainee at Newcastle Hospitals. He is the local collaborator for the Haemstar trainee research collaborative and the trainee representative for haematology for NIHR North-East and Cumbria. He explains how he became interested in clinical research and how the Haemstar trainee research collaborative are recruiting patients to clinical trials.

Trainees from our region produced this film for National Research Collaborative Meeting (NRCM) conference in December 2019. The film describes the cutting edge and pioneering research opportunities for doctors in training across the North East and North Cumbria; as well as the lifestyle on offer.